
Saphir (Box AC)

The Saphir air conditioning system is installed in the storage space of the caravan. It distributes the air individually and flexibly in the room.

Which air condition is right for you?

Our guide will help you find the right air condition.


A masterpiece of coolness.

Light, silent, powerful.

A masterpiece of coolness.

Light, silent, powerful.

Et mesterværk i coolness.

Let, lydløs, kraftfuld.

Een meesterwerk van coolheid.

Licht, stil, krachtig.

L’art de la fraîcheur.

Léger, silencieux, puissant.

Ein Meisterwerk der Coolness.

Leise, leicht und leistungsstark.

Un capolavoro. Cool in tutti i sensi.

Leggero, silenzioso, potente.

Et mesterverk av kulhet.

Lett, stillegående, kraftfull.

Una obra maestra de la genialidad.

Silenciosa, ligera y potente.

Ett mästerverk av coolhet.

Lätt, tyst och kraftfull.